
Wednesday 28 October 2020

By the way


The birds on my having disappeared has left me with not a lot to do so my infra-red cameras came in to play, but now my garden animals have gone and I am at a loss. I always carry a camera in the car and the other day returning from a shopping trip in the next village we stopped in a quiet lane and to our surprise we were being observed. Only a matter of metres away stood a fallow doe. She made no attempt to run and stood watching us in the car.


  1. Lovely capture Mike. A sight I rarely see in east Kent. Take care.

    1. Hi Marc,
      You have your dragonflies, I have my animals, thats fair. Take care. Mike.

  2. Hi Mike
    these are moments
    one wonders who was amazed more ... ;-))
    this is pure nature ... super beautiful
    Greetings Frank

    1. Hi Frank,
      I get a lot of response from the animals which always amazes me. Sometimes I think that I am recognised as a fellow creature. Stay safe. Mike.

  3. Que maravilla volver de las compras y encontrarte con este bello animal, que envidia me da. Enhorabuena Mike, un abrazo desde España. Salud!!!

  4. Hi German,
    It was a lovely surprise. It made my day. Stay safe. Mike.

  5. Very beautiful image Mike ...
    Happy weekend

    1. Hi Ana,
      Thankyou, I hope all is well. Stay safe. Mike.

  6. The only time I go out without a camera is when shopping with Mrs S. Do I need rethink Mike? Take care.

    1. Perhaps you should replan your route Phil or tell Mrs. S. you know a short cut. Mike.

  7. Cualquier momento es bueno para disfrutar de la naturaleza. Enhorabuena por ese bonito encuentro!!

  8. Thankyou Ernesto for your comment. I still struggle to translate but I manage. Stay safe. Mike

  9. Lucky you have the camera with you in the car Mike ! I do the same, you never no what comes up :)

    1. Hi Lasse,
      I never go anywhere without a camera especially shopping. Most of my good pictures I have taken by chance. Stay safe.

  10. Hi Mike!!! Lovely picture... Stay safe and healthy.. :-)))

    1. Hi Ana,
      Thankyou, There was a lot of luck with that shot plus my good eye of course. Stay safe.

  11. Lovely image of a gorgeous creature, Mike. Take great care - - - Richard

  12. Thankyou Richard,
    for one moment I thought you were refering to me.
    Stay safe. Mike.


Mike Attwood - Photographer

Blog Archive

About Me

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Evacuated during the second world war to a village in Yorkshire where I lived in the home of a good photographer for more than five years who taught me the basics and a great deal about nature. Well past retirement age I have been a wildlife photographer for more than 30 years. Red Kites have been my speciality for much of this period. I did spend several years snapping wheelchair athletes and organizing the British Road Race Championship. In the year 2000 I was awarded a distinction by the Royal Photographic Society for my portfolio on wheelchair athletes. Most of my pics are digital, using Sony cameras and Sigma lenses. I used to spend many weeks each year with friends in Wales which is close to the Elan Valleys where I got many of my raptor pics. I now get these pictures more closely to home, specially red kites and peregrines. I support my pension by selling my pics, cards, coasters, fridge magnets and key rings etc. at craft fairs, something I wish I had done much earlier in life. I give illustrated talks to clubs and societies on wildlife and other branches of photography that I have been involved in.