
Friday 17 May 2024

My favourite fox picture

 This was one of the first pictures of the foxes in my garden when I started to feed them on a regular basis. This one soon cottoned on to me being a friend and would not harm it. I feed it when I go to bed in the evening it sits outside and waits for my room lights to go on, it then runs up to my window and sits waiting for to feed it. I throw the biscuits out and it will leap up in the air and try to catch them. I talk to it while it eats and I often get a response in the form of a whimper or grunt. It picks out all its favourites and leaves the rest for his family to come along later and clear them up. Perhaps one day I will be able to stroke and make a fuss of him.


  1. These are true friends, Mike, unlike devious, scheming humans!

    1. Yes David, I have learnt a lot from them and people are agreeing with me. They make wonderful companions for those who love nature. This fox has learnt to sit on my doorstep which turns the security light on and lets me know he is there waiting. He then goes round to my bedroom window and waits for his supper. He now does this every night without fail. It makes my day!


Mike Attwood - Photographer

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About Me

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Evacuated during the second world war to a village in Yorkshire where I lived in the home of a good photographer for more than five years who taught me the basics and a great deal about nature. Well past retirement age I have been a wildlife photographer for more than 30 years. Red Kites have been my speciality for much of this period. I did spend several years snapping wheelchair athletes and organizing the British Road Race Championship. In the year 2000 I was awarded a distinction by the Royal Photographic Society for my portfolio on wheelchair athletes. Most of my pics are digital, using Sony cameras and Sigma lenses. I used to spend many weeks each year with friends in Wales which is close to the Elan Valleys where I got many of my raptor pics. I now get these pictures more closely to home, specially red kites and peregrines. I support my pension by selling my pics, cards, coasters, fridge magnets and key rings etc. at craft fairs, something I wish I had done much earlier in life. I give illustrated talks to clubs and societies on wildlife and other branches of photography that I have been involved in.