
Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Dependable wetlands

A fine day appeared and considering the weather lately it was decided to attempt the wetlands if there were no floods en route. The sun shone and there were no hold ups. So lunch was taken and then I went for my walk. Plenty to see if you could spot them in the reed beds. There were  several shelducks looking for parteners.
Lapwings were in abundance. This was the only one that didn't seem to have a partener.
Shovelers were present. This male spent most of his time chasing off the gulls.
This tufted duck couldn't find a partener and spent most of his time wandering around looking very sorry for himself. I finished the day with a red kite but by then the light had gone and the pictures wre not up to my standard.


  1. Nice you got out for a while. I seem to have forgotten what the sun looks like, at least at the weekend anyhow. Looks like this weekend is back to windy wet weather too.

    1. Hi Marc, It turned into such a nice day that I wished I'd gone out earlier.

  2. Hi Mike!!!...Nicel series of images .. Happy week

    1. Thanks Ana, I must keep practicing ready for when something exciting comes along. Take care, Mike.

  3. Hi Mike,
    Glad you also managed to get out and put the camera back into action.always good to see a tuftie and Shoveler.
    All the best,

    1. Hi John, My excursions have to be planned in advance depending hour much energy I have in store, so when I get results like that it makes the effort all worth while. Good luck.

  4. Hi Mike,
    Glad you managed to get out for a while, the days get very long without a camera and birds, I always find seeing a Badger as a treat, always good to see a Tuftie and Shoveler,
    All the best and keep safe,

  5. Hi John,
    Living in a country village I can leave my house and walk for about a mile without seeing anyone. I never go out without my camera.And at the moment the wildlife seems to be coming to me.
    Thankyou John and stay safe.


Mike Attwood - Photographer

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About Me

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Evacuated during the second world war to a village in Yorkshire where I lived in the home of a good photographer for more than five years who taught me the basics and a great deal about nature. Well past retirement age I have been a wildlife photographer for more than 30 years. Red Kites have been my speciality for much of this period. I did spend several years snapping wheelchair athletes and organizing the British Road Race Championship. In the year 2000 I was awarded a distinction by the Royal Photographic Society for my portfolio on wheelchair athletes. Most of my pics are digital, using Sony cameras and Sigma lenses. I used to spend many weeks each year with friends in Wales which is close to the Elan Valleys where I got many of my raptor pics. I now get these pictures more closely to home, specially red kites and peregrines. I support my pension by selling my pics, cards, coasters, fridge magnets and key rings etc. at craft fairs, something I wish I had done much earlier in life. I give illustrated talks to clubs and societies on wildlife and other branches of photography that I have been involved in.