Friday, 31 December 2021
From my window
I havn't had much to do for the past few weeks with the restrictions and weather limiting my movements. I have found myself concentrating on garden visitors. As you are aware Junior the fox is a regular visitor during the night. One afternoon much to my surprise I looked out of my window and the in the long grass was Junior having a nose around. I had reports from my neighbours that they had seen him in daylight but sitting in my garden is another matter. I think I can look forward to some interesting pictures.
Saturday, 18 December 2021
Saturday, 20 November 2021
Fox party
They are good pals and get on very well together. There is another fox that calls but is not liked by these two and is rarely seen
They were in and out of the garden for several hours. They were last recorded at 4.30am having arrived at 10.10pm so had spent most of the night here.
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Routine change
He has now changed his routine and rarely comes before two in the morning so I have reverted to my I/R camera's. This suits me because there are signs of a visiting badger.
So I am doing a bit of practice on the foxes so I can make a success of the badger when it calls.
In the meantime I will have to be content with Junior lazing about on the grass.
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
My question answered
More than two years ago I noticed a drop in the number of creatures visiting my garden. I did a survery of all my local spots and found the same thing happening. Nobody else seemed to have noticed this. Not being so active these days I just look after my garden creatures. Then a few weeks ago I read in the local paper that a water company had been releasing toxic waste into local rivers etc. with devastating results. The company has been fined £90,000,000 not that it will do much good, their customers will end up paying it and it will take years for the waterways to recover. In the meantime the wildlife will suffer horrendously. I shall make sure there is a fresh water supply as well as food in my garden.
I shall have to get Junior to spread the word where they can feed and drink safely. As you can see he is well fed and healthy. He calls every evening before midnight and sometimes brings a friend.Thursday, 7 October 2021
Midnight caller
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Well I never
Obviously a friend of Juniors because they settled down and had the rest of the biscuits together and spent the next hour or so enjoying each others company.
Thursday, 23 September 2021
Garden tidy up
We allowed the garden to become a little wild in order to give a little more of a friendly feeling towards our wildlife. Yesterday we spent alot of time tidying, weeding and cutting the grass etc. and generally getting the place ready for winter and then the new year.
One of the foxes came into the garden early, got scared when it saw how clean and tidy it was and ran off as quickly as it could. An hour later Junior wandered in and stood and admired the scene before having a snack of biscuits and trotting off home.
Friday, 17 September 2021
Foxes again
Thursday, 9 September 2021
Don't know what I'd do without my foxes
They are all getting used to me and if they here the click of my camera they just glance in my direction and carry on with what they are doing.
This one is standing in the corner by the road as a car goes by the other side of the hedge but it doesn't bother it. It knows it is safe this side. All these pictures are taken after dark through my bedroom window, no flash is used, just the light from a street lamp.
Thursday, 26 August 2021
New fox
I looked round the garden and saw Junior tucking in to evening meal. I then realised the youngster was the animal that Junior was feeding but had brought it along to feed itself. I have waited a couple of months for this event. I am now looking forward to getting some good pictures in the near future.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
More fox pictures
It is unbelievable looking in the viewfinder and just seeing shadows and getting results like these.
I am now investigating ways of recording more detail and and so making the pictures sharper. These pictures were taken earlier this evening around 2200hrs. Well dark.
Saturday, 7 August 2021
Back with the foxes
If he is disturbed during his visit, like a car rushing by, the road is just the other side of the hedge, he will not run away he will just wait for a few minutes in the long grass until it quietens down.
He will then continue his meal.
When he has finished he will sit and enjoy his surroundings sometimes staying for more than an hour before going about his business.
Thursday, 22 July 2021
Fox keeps me going
He then picks up mouthfulls of biscuits and trots off to feed his family.
Returning sometime later he tucks in himself and then has a rest while watching passing people and traffic the other side of the hedge.
When it gets a bit too noisey with people returning from the pub he will lie in the long grass under the fruit trees. He never runs away, I think he feels protected in my garden. I look forward to his visits as I do not get out much anymore it makes me feel satisfied that I am doing my bit for nature.
Sunday, 4 July 2021
Foxes again
He is getting a bit cheeky, when I put the food out one night as I walked back to the house I turned to see him following me. He stopped and I took this picture.
This is a new kid on the block, one that I have never seen before. I have recorded six animals over the past year and I think that there is some youngsters on the way.
Friday, 25 June 2021
Foxes keeping me busy
This is mum collecting food for her offspring. I have seen one but it was too quick for my camera. You can't get a picture of a speedy animal at 1/5sec. Its just a blur.
This is a new kid on the block. One that I havn't seen before.
Monday, 14 June 2021
Still keeping track
One cub came in once but it was quickly ushered away before I had chance to get a picture. Better luck next time.
Saturday, 5 June 2021
Foxes in the dark
This one was taken in moonlight with the help of a nearby street lamp. I revert to mono when it is as dark as this. Again the subject must be perfectly still. Shutter speed is 1/25th of a second at an ISO of 25600 on a 350mm 2.8 lens. and taken through my bedroom window. There, given all my secrets away.
Friday, 28 May 2021
Fox update
They arrive after dark so I prefer to shoot in mono, I think I get better resolution in the photo's.
The light varies a bit because o passing cars but this does not seem to upset the foxes.
In fact most of the time passing cars are ignored.
Well most of the time. I am now patiently waiting for the family to come to dinner.
Monday, 24 May 2021
Fox pair
Mum is quite used to me and when I appear at my window she is not bothered and will look and then carry on with whatever she is doing. I know there are youngsters somewhere as Mum often runs off with a mouthful of biscuits, then comes back later for more.
Both of these pictures were taken after dark and lit by a street lamp some 10m away.
Monday, 17 May 2021
Getting better
If the subject is in a good position there is not much difference to the norm. The only problem is the high grain of the picture but for the record I cannot fault it.
Mono is good and so easy to get good results. These pictures were taken after mid-night with just the light of a near-by street lamp. These were taken at 1/8sec. at 256000asa. Its a different world.
Mike Attwood - Photographer
- Plodding on - 8/9/2024
- Hello again - 7/4/2024
- Waiting - 5/27/2024
- Fox supper time - 5/22/2024
- My favourite fox picture - 5/16/2024
Blog Archive
About Me
- Mike Attwood
- Evacuated during the second world war to a village in Yorkshire where I lived in the home of a good photographer for more than five years who taught me the basics and a great deal about nature. Well past retirement age I have been a wildlife photographer for more than 30 years. Red Kites have been my speciality for much of this period. I did spend several years snapping wheelchair athletes and organizing the British Road Race Championship. In the year 2000 I was awarded a distinction by the Royal Photographic Society for my portfolio on wheelchair athletes. Most of my pics are digital, using Sony cameras and Sigma lenses. I used to spend many weeks each year with friends in Wales which is close to the Elan Valleys where I got many of my raptor pics. I now get these pictures more closely to home, specially red kites and peregrines. I support my pension by selling my pics, cards, coasters, fridge magnets and key rings etc. at craft fairs, something I wish I had done much earlier in life. I give illustrated talks to clubs and societies on wildlife and other branches of photography that I have been involved in.